The Northleach Steamshow committee announces the retirement Steve Freemantle
It is with sadness we announce that our good friend Steve has taken the decision to retire from the management of the Northleach Steamshow. Steve led the show’s restart in 2013 and has been a key member of the committee during the last 8 years. We would all like to thank him for his dedication to Northleach’s history with Steam and the initial motivation to resume the show after its 13 year break, without which the Show would not exist today. Take a well earned break Steve!
We would like to reassure all our regular visitors, exhibitors and trade persons that the many volunteers who help make the show a success are committed to continuing in his footsteps for the 2022 show and beyond. Long time committee members Ian Hanks and Patrick McDermott will be taking on the management of the show as join chairpersons with the remainder of the committee remaining unchanged